Thursday, August 28, 2008

Acne help???

i have a lot of bumps on my forehead...they all eventually get inflamed and don't go away for a few you kno of any good acne medications or scrubs or home remadies...or anything!?!?
I came across an advertisement for this device once. It claimed to work (Don't they all?). Basically, the thing charges up for a few seconds and then emits a targeted blast of heat when placed over an acne spot. The idea is that the heat destroys the bacteria under the skin causing the inflammation, which alleviates the signs of acne without scarring. I've never tried it and it costs somewhere around 150 bucks. But if it works, that would probably be the best thing to try.

Pro Activ and other creams never really did jack for me when I had issues with acne.

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