Thursday, August 28, 2008

I cant lose belly fat!?

Heres my problem. I work out everyday for at least an hour. I bike, do crunches, walk etc. My stomach has remained constant and i cant seem to lose weight off of it, even with crunches. Im going on a month of doing this and it really isnt working. I would also like alternate foods i can take to school that are quick, easy, and good. I am 16, male, and weigh 205 lbs.
any advice is appreciated !
Zeke I feel your pain, I was in and sometimes find myself in the same boat! Habits are hard to break.

But what I have honestly learned through experience is that it varies per person. Some people have bodies that respond well to a certain type of diet, exercise, whatever...
In the end, consistency and patience are key. They go hand in hand too. I found out what worked for me in an odd way.

I was doing some construction work for an orphanage and by the end of it, I was 10 pounds lighter.. in 10 days! Mind you that's not safe, to lose so much weight and fat in such a short time.

Details... I looked back and realized that it was because I did constant work for a long period of time (for me, it's longer workouts) AND all the food I ate (and I ate a serious amount of food) was mostly natural. Mostly meats, veggies, breads and rice. Fruits and veggies are quick and easy, nuts for protein, again quick and easy. Lots of water, water keeps your body running and hunger controlled.
Always ate breakfast and all my other meals at a consistent time. Woke up and slept around the same time.

What worked for me might not for you. Motivate yourself and you are off to a great start.

One other thing I learned is that crunches do not result in a thinner stomach, in the end by building muscle underneath your belly, you actually push out your gut a bit more. But keep it up because you're building muscle, the more muscle you build, the more your metabolism is at work, and THAT is what will help you burn away the fat to reveal the sixpack.
Cardio burns calories on the spot, betters your heart and endurance to do more. Weights will build muscle to help you do more and keeps your metabolism going stronger long after you've stopped (cardio only for the moment and shortly after).

Anyways, I hope that helps. May not be the most helpful answer, but i just wanted to encourage you and share with you a bit of personal experience.
It sounds like you are eating bad foods. even if you workout for an hour a day, and eat a lot of bad foods, along with soda, you won't notice much of a difference. the best key to losing fat is going on a good diet.
Burn more calories than you eat.....I have the same problem.....I keep trying should too.
To reduce the fat on your belly excercise is good option. Check out sites like for offers and discounts.

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