Thursday, August 28, 2008

Help plz????????

if your appendix burst how much time do you have to get to the hospital before you could die
I burst mine when i was like 5, 8 years ago and they didn't know that it was burst and it was burst for about 5 days beofre they found out and then if i didnt get the surgery i wouldve died so just go as fast as you can to the ER
maybe i can help... My burst inside of me when i was 12. I went to a dr twice when it was inflamed she told me it was my glands. A week later i seen another dr and he said its my appendix and called an ambulance. i went into surgery straight away but there was nothing left the surgeon hadnt seen anything like it. The estimated it being burst for aprox. 72hrs so 3 days. They didnt think i was gonna make it they stuck draining tubes in me and hoped for the best. Im now 22 so 10 years later im still alive but i have to have ops every 3 years because of adheasions from the mess it made. So to answer you question it is possible to live but everyone is different and everybodys body will react different there is on set time. I was one of the lucky ones. If you think its about to burst go straight to a hospital dont sit around
This depends on the individual's size, age and current health status. A ruptured appendix will relieve immediate pain but the peritonitis that follows takes time to develop. It can, in some cases, take several weeks for the infection to reach a stage at which it becomes bothersome. But, again, there's no hard and fast timeline. However, peritonitis is a surgical emergency and you would have exquisite pain and abdominal rigidity. You would not be able to tolerate it and so would get yourself to an ER right away. Complications develop rapidly. Consequences of untreated peritonitis are shock and death.

If what you were hoping for was "Oh, well, you'd have about 3 hours" you're not going to get an answer like that.
This is a difficult question to answer, but a ruptured appendix is a true emergency. Once it ruptures a pt can become septic very quickly and it depends on how well they can fight the sepsis
Not very long. You would have to go immediately.
OMG! cara
did ur appendix burst?

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