Thursday, August 28, 2008

Is fiber suggestable for someone with IBS *W/O* the usual symptoms?

The most-understandable way for me to ask this is: I have IBS whose only symptoms that remain is occasional nausea and very rare abdominal pain. I want to take fiber supplements again (for overall digestive health) but would it be recommended? I know fiber can spark the intestinal muscles to become more active but, that seems to be what caused the symptoms in the first place! I hope this makes sense. LOL Any thoughts?
I would think that soluble fiber might be helpful but insoluble fiber is likely to trigger spasms.

There are two good books I would recommend for you: The First Year: IBS and Eating for IBS by the same author, Heather Van Vorous.

She does a good job describing comfort foods/ trigger foods and why. It will be a good guide to an attempt to add more fiber.

Good luck!
There are multiple causes and forms of IBS. Extreme abdominal pain could be more serious diseases so it is important that you are sure which diagnosis you really have.
Is a list of 61 things EVERY IBS sufferer should know.
Also, fiber does not spark the muscles but rather aids in the process of digestion.

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