Thursday, August 28, 2008

Arthritis of the hip?

Is there anything you can do to alleviate the ache down the leg from arthritis in the hip? Doctor just said 'press on'
Ask for a referral to an orthopaedic surgeon, for x rays. If your GP refuses, see a different doctor. You may require a's a simple enough operation, and still leaves the option open to total hip replacement in the future. I suffered for years, sleeping with a pillow between me legs, taking pain killers etc. I eventuallt persuaded my GP that the pain was affecting my quality of life. I had a resurfacing operation and was on my feet (with crutches) the following day, the relief from pain was immediate - just had to do post op exercises etc. Just a brilliant op.
Was back in work pain free within ten weeks.
Try to keep your legs slightly apart. I find it helps to sleep with my legs slightly raised if I am lying on my back - I bought a special wedge shaped pillow for this. It also helps if you lie on your side (good side) to have a pillow between your knees to keep your pelvis and hips 'square' I also have a thick duvet over my mattres but under my bottom sheet, which I lie on, this stops any presure from the matterss and was recommended to me by a Pain Management Specialist. When my pain is exceptionally bad, I place a hot water botle on my hip as the heat helps.
Try to rest as much as possible. Do you take pain relief? If not ask your doctor. I struggled for years before anyone listened, ended up having mine replaced when I was 37, for me it was too late, the arthritis has spread into my pelvis and down my leg, thus meaning my replacement is slightly unstable!

Good luck, I know how frustrating this pain is

MACA is a Genius, or a person who has been through it all. I have been through it all. Remeber that doctors are people that used to care, but have now become business men who deal with thousands of clients. The way they see it is if it get's really, really bad then they will find out about it sooner then later. They will have a nurse make you feel like your getting good attention by asking all kinds of questions, taking your blood pressure and telling you to lay down. Then there's the doctor who is overworked, tired and tired and tired and doesn't give a damn after doing the same thing for 15 years.

On the other hand you have only one patient to deal with, and that's you. You deal with that patient 24 hours a day 7 day's a week. If the doctor tries to tell you to lick your wound then be agressive and tell him in an agressive manner, "LOOK I AM IN A CHRISIS HERE AND I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP, WTF, G Damn It". Sometimes a good *** chewing will wake them out of their somber.
Well hes right in a way, you should keep moving, you could try glucosamine and chondroitin, they can help a lot with joint problems, as can cod liver oil, go to Holland Barrett see what they have for you, do a little gentle excercise, swimming is great, as you dont stress your joints in the water, ask if you can go on the waiting list for a hip replacement, but if you are under 40 they usually wont do it as it only lasts 20 years and you will have to get it done again in the future.
anti inflammatories and hot baths. that works for me. your doctor should be more helpful than that. If medication doesn't help you he/she should refer you to a pain management clinic. go back for a second opinion, there are loads of treatments for the pain caused by arthritis.
my hubby has that you should use a ice bag or a hot water bottle, he that's my hubby says if he sits around to long its murder and gets stiff but if he trots into town slowly it relieves it. i get sting nettles without the flowers and cook them mix them up with spinach this will help as it has iron and alkaline to stop the bones getting brittle.
change your doctor a.s.a.p.
ask to see a pain managment doctor

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